The TourINN-act consortium hosted the TourINN-Open Innovation Seminar on March 30, 2023.
The Open Innovation Seminar aimed at introducing tourism SMEs to TourINN-act project, its purposes and initiatives made so far, with particular regard to the TourINN-Open Call for Innovation of Tourism SMEs, launched on March 15, 2023.
The seminar provided to participants with relevant information regarding the latest trends and data, and learned how to implement a successful open innovation plan. The workshop addressed the details of the open call for tourism SMEs (eligibility, evaluation criteria and the operation of bilateral meetings), matchmaking and the resources available to all stakeholders on the platform.
Specifically, participants have:
- Had an overview of TouriNN-Act project, its raison d’être, and partners;
- Got a broader vision on the new competitiveness factors deriving from the use of digital technologies and sustainable practices thanks to the TourINN-Roadmap on innovative and sustainable practices;
- Understood the main functionalities of the platform in order to easily navigate it;
- Gained acquaintance on the functioning of the bilateral matchmaking meetings among participants;
- Received guidance on how to apply for the call, clarify eligibility and evaluation criteria and learn how to implement a successful open innovation plan;
- Been told about the expected impacts on SMEs, providers and the entire tourism industry.